Journal Articles

My most recent publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile. *Student paper

Twomey, A.J., Baker, A., Waltham, N., & Lovelock, C. E. (2024). Calculating carbon: The value of information in precision for blue carbon restoration projects. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122657. DOI:

Twomey, A.J. and Lovelock, C.E., (2024) Global spatial dataset of mangrove genus distribution in seaward and riverine margins. Scientific Data. DOI:

Twomey, A.J., Nunez, K., Carr, J.A., Crooks, S., Friess, D.A., Glamore, W., Orr, M., Reef, R., Rogers, K., Waltham, N.J. and Lovelock, C.E., (2024) Planning hydrological restoration of coastal wetlands: Key model considerations and solutions. Science of The Total Environment, p.169881. DOI:

Lovelock, C.E., Bennion, V., de Oliveira, M., Hagger, V., Hill, J.W., Kwan, V., Pearse, A.L., Rossini, R.A., Twomey, A.J. (2024) Mangrove ecology guiding the use of mangroves as nature‐based solutions. Journal of Ecology. DOI:
Saunders, M.I., Cannard, T., Fischer, M., Sheppard, M., Twomey, A.J., Morris, R., Bishop, M.J., Mayer-Pinto, M., Malcolm, F., Vozzo, M., Steven, A., Swearer, S.E., Lovelock, C.E., Pomeroy, A.W.M., McLeod, I., Waltham, N.J., (2024) A roadmap to coastal and marine ecological restoration in Australia, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 159, 103808. DOI:
*Bennion, V., Dwyer, J.M., Twomey, A.J. and Lovelock, C.E., (2024) Decadal Trends in Surface Elevation and Tree Growth in Coastal Wetlands of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Estuaries and Coasts, pp.1-17. DOI:
Okoffo, E.D., Tan, E., Grinham, A., Gaddam, S.M.R., Yip, J.Y.H., Twomey, A.J., Thomas, K.V. and Bostock, H., (2024). Plastic pollution in Moreton Bay sediments, Southeast Queensland, Australia. Science of The Total Environment, p.170987. DOI:
Twomey, A.J., Staples, T.L., Remmerswaal, A., Wuppukondur, A. and Lovelock, C., (2023). Mangrove ghost forests provide opportunities for seagrass. Frontiers in Climate, 5, p.1284829. DOI:
Twomey, A.J., Callaghan, D.P., O’Brien, K.R. and Saunders, M.I., (2022). Contextualising shoreline protection by seagrass using lessons from submerged breakwaters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, p.108011. DOI:

Ward-Paige, C.A., et al. including Twomey, A.J. (2022). A framework for mapping and monitoring human-ocean interactions in near real-time during COVID-19 and beyond. Marine Policy, p.105054. DOI:

Twomey, A.J., Saunders, M.I., Callaghan, D.P., Bouma, T.J., Han, Q. and O’Brien, K.R., (2021). Lateral sediment erosion with and without the non-dense root-mat forming seagrass Enhalus acoroides. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 253, p.107316. DOI:

Twomey, A.J., O’Brien, K.R., Callaghan, D.P. and Saunders, M.I., (2020). Synthesising wave attenuation for seagrass: Drag coefficient as a unifying indicator. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, p.111661. DOI:

Technical Reports

Saunders, M., Waltham, N., Cannard, T., Sheppard, M., Fischer, M., Twomey, A., Bishop, M., Boody, K., Callaghan, D., Fulton, B., Lovelock, C., Pinto, M., McLeod, I., McPherson, T., Morris, R., Pomeroy, A., Ronan, M., Swearer, S., Steven, A. (2022) A roadmap for coordinated landscape-scale coastal and marine ecosystem restoration. Report to the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, Queensland, 171pp. ISBN: 978-1-4863-1713-4 DOI:

Roelfsema, C., Gonchond, D., Hammerman, N., Gutierrez Isaza, N., Byrne, I., Kalkowski-Pope, S., Barrenger, T., Stetner, D., Salmond, J., van den Berg, C. and McVeigh, R., Twomey, A., Kim, C., Johnson, K., Loder, J. (2022) Ecological Assessment of the Flora and Fauna of Mooloolaba Reefs, Queensland. UniDive, The University of Queensland Underwater Club, Brisbane, Australia, 100pp. DOI:

Olds, A., Chalmers, G., Rummell, A., Gilby, B., Henderson, C., Leon, J., Adame, F., Lovelock, C., Twomey, A., Glamore, W. (2022) Blue Heart Sunshine Coast: Blue Carbon and Blue Co-Benefits Pilot Project, Prepared for Sunshine Coast Council, 71pp.

Olds, A., Rummell, A., Chalmers, G., Gilby, B., Henderson, C., Leon, J., Lovelock, C., Twomey, A., Pearse, A., Adame, F., Glamore, W. (2022) Blue Carbon and Blue Co-Benefits Research Project, Prepared for Sunshine Coast Council, 24pp.

Conference Papers

Dahdouh-Guebas, F. et al. including Twomey, A.J. (2023) Everything you always wanted to know about mangroves (but were afraid to ask), 6th Mangrove, Macrobenthos and Management Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, 24-28 July 2023.

Conference Proceedings

Twomey, A., O’Brien, K., Callaghan, D. and Saunders, M., (2023). Wave drag coefficient useful for nature: seagrass-based coastal protection design in estuaries. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, (37), pp.57-57. DOI:


Twomey, A.J., (2021). Seagrass and coastal protection: separating myths from facts. DOI:

Twomey, A.,
(2012). Water Treatment Plant Residual Lagoon Design & Performance Prediction Model Development


Twomey, A. J., Remmerswaal, A., Lovelock, C.E., (2023). Seagrass presence and absence in mangrove ghost forests in Moreton Bay, Australia. PANGAEA, DOI:

Twomey, A. J., Lovelock, C.E., (2023). Global spatial dataset of mangrove genus distribution in seaward and riverine margins. PANGAEA, DOI:

Twomey, A. J., (2020). Data for: Synthesising wave attenuation for seagrass: drag coefficient as a unifying indicator. DOI: